Evaluation Highlights

Each year both youth leaders involved and the adult alleys evaluate both skills learned and the process they went through with the youth-led initiative.  Below is a short highlight of skill development and engagement of the youth leaders involved with each group.



The Positive Youth Development Inventory

These youth feel competent, confident, strong in character and connection and are caring. The results show that the youth viewed this experience as impactful and character-building where they have been able to grow in their ability to positively influence their peers and communities.

The Five C's as a Foundational Positive Youth Development Framework

(retrieved from: https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1178&context=jsc)

Competence: Being able to act effectively in school, in social situations, and at work

Confidence: Believing in oneself and ability

Character: Knowing what is right or wrong and how to do the right thing.

Connection: Working collaboratively with parents, peers, siblings, teachers, coaches, or other community members

Caring: Having a sense of compassion or social justice



The adult advisors that work with these teens were also evaluated. Across the board, there was positive youth development. These programs are youth-led, and are driven by empowered teens to make positive change. The evaluations concluded that not only were these young people involved but they were able to work collaborative with other teens and community members to use their leadership skills and talents to promote change and impact. These adults and programs are built on the principals of youth-led prevention where youth assume roles at the tables of making decisions and are given opportunities to not only develop their skills and talents but also utilize them in creative and innovative ways to impact their own communities.

Youth Involvement and Engagement


This data is based on evaluations from 2020