Our Mission:
Changing the narrative in prevention programming across Franklin County
Changing the narrative in prevention programming across Franklin County
Our Mission
The ADAMH Board of Franklin County Youth-Led Primary Prevention Initiative was created to enhance the infrastructure of youth-led programming in Franklin County. Its goal is to increase the knowledge, build capacity and develop the skill set of youth-led professionals (Adult Allies) and youth engaged in mental health promotion or alcohol or other drug prevention and to launch youth led projects using the Strategic Prevention Framework and the Ohio Youth Empowerment Conceptual Framework.
Since the conception of the Franklin County Youth-Led Initative, 7 local programs have received funding to implement prevention programming within their communities. Laying the foundation for youth in Franklin County to make healthy decisions, become peer leaders and define drug-free messaging to create positive change.
These youth feel competent, confident, strong in character and connection and are caring. The results show that the youth viewed this experience as impactful and character-building where they have been able to grow in their ability to positively influence their peers and communities.
Across the 7 programs, over 80 youth have participated as a leader.
One of the most essential parts of youth-led programming is adult allies.
Through projects and events, these 7 programs have reached over 4,600 people
The 7 groups that participated in this piloted initiative received training on the Youth Empowerment Conceptual Framework and Strategic Prevention Framework. As a result of these training’s along with hard work each participating group has created a strategic plan and has begun implementing that plan to create a positive change in their community or school.